Sunday, June 24, 2012


Share it Please

Good Afternoon Everybody!

I'm pretty sure everyone is sitting in a heated/warm room right now - considering how the weather is outside. Or is it only my area? :-/

As you know [or as you don't know],I was suppose to post something on Friday - but I procrastinated for Saturday - and THAT didn't turn out good at all :|.

Moving along >>>>>>>>>>>

Last night I attempted to bake a Chocolate & Almond Biscotti [I got the idea from Kate's blog (]. And it turned out .. Uuhh ... Let's just say it was KIND OF edible in a way. :-S
I had a great image of how it would turn out in the end,and it wasn't ANYTHING like I thought of!

If you want the recipe and the PROPER instructions on how to make a Chocolate & Almond Biscotti,go to [its under the heading "Biscotti Made Easy"]. And its a VERY good Sunday treat [or any other day for that matter!].

BTW - The picture above is how Kate's Biscotti turned out,NOT mine.

Enjoy your Suundaaaeeee :)


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